GraphQL: GraphiQL UI
cleos isn't very handy for running GraphQL queries. This webapp, based on GraphiQL, provides a friendlier alternative.
The files:
Building and Running
- Follow the instructions in GraphQL: Getting Started to start nodeos
- Run
yarn && yarn build && yarn start
- Open http://localhost:3000/
This interface allows you to create queries using code completion then execute them.
import { JsonRpc } from "eosjs/dist/eosjs-jsonrpc";
import { Api } from "eosjs/dist/eosjs-api";
import { JsSignatureProvider } from "eosjs/dist/eosjs-jssig";
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import GraphiQL from "graphiql";
import { buildSchema, GraphQLSchema } from "graphql";
import "./node_modules/graphiql/graphiql.min.css";
global.Buffer = require("buffer/").Buffer;
// nodeos RPC endpoint
const rpcUrl =
window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + ":8888";
// This contract runs the graphql queries
const contract = "example";
// user which authorizes queries
const user = "eosio";
// user's private key
const privateKey = "5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3";
// eosjs
let rpc = new JsonRpc(rpcUrl);
let signatureProvider = new JsSignatureProvider([privateKey]);
let api = new Api({ rpc, signatureProvider });
// show status during startup
let statusContent = "";
function log(msg: string) {
statusContent += msg + "\n";
render(<pre style={{ padding: 20 }}>{statusContent}</pre>, document.body);
// fetch schema using 'graphqlschema' action
let schema: GraphQLSchema | null = null;
async function fetchSchema() {
const result = (await api.transact(
actions: [
authorization: [{ actor: user, permission: "active" }],
account: contract,
name: "graphqlschema",
data: {},
{ useLastIrreversible: true, expireSeconds: 2 }
)) as any;
const sch = result.processed.action_traces[0].console;
schema = buildSchema(sch);
// run query using 'graphql' action
async function fetcher({ query }: { query: string }) {
const result = (await api.transact(
actions: [
authorization: [{ actor: user, permission: "active" }],
account: contract,
name: "graphql",
data: { query },
{ useLastIrreversible: true, expireSeconds: 2 }
)) as any;
return JSON.parse(result.processed.action_traces[0].console);
// Populate the UI with this example query
const defaultQuery = `# GraphiQL is talking to a contract running in nodeos.
# Press the ▶ button above to run this query.
animal(name: "fido") {
// Query UI
function Page() {
return (
<main style={{ height: "100%" }}>
schema: schema!,
// Startup
(async () => {
log(`Using RPC: ${rpc.endpoint}`);
log("Fetching schema...");
try {
await fetchSchema();
render(<Page></Page>, document.body);
} catch (e) {
log("See console for additional details");